
Todd Kupper Sensei

Chief instructor and founder of Keystone Kokikai dojo.

Todd Kupper Sensei has been training in the martial arts since he was a kid. His experience in Kokikai Aikido has been the result of over thirty years of training under Sensei Shuji Maruyama, the founder of Kokikai. Todd has taught and trained throughout the United States, Germany and Japan.

Todd's experience in aikido also gave him the inspiration to write the book, Magic of Balanced Living.

He teaches adult class

Thursday night (7-8:30pm)

He currently holds the rank of 7th degree black belt (Shichidan).


Matt McGee Sensei

Tuesdays 7pm-8:15pm

He currently holds the rank of 6th Degree Blackbelt.

Matt McGee Sensei


Paul Olimpo Sensei

Paul Olimpo Sensei

He teaches adult class, Sunday mornings 10:30am -12:00

He currently holds the rank of 4th degree black belt.


Laura Rosenbloom Sensei teaches Tuesday & Thursday Kids class from 6:00pm – 6:45 pm

She currently holds the rank of 4th degree black belt.

Laura Rosenbloom

Laura Rosenbloom

Todd Kupper Sensei

Soto Deshi

Soto Deshi

Soto Deshi Program

Dan DiSalvo is Keystone Dojo’s Soto Deshi enrolled in the program through blackbelt. His primary responsibilities are to assist Todd Sensei, train and maintain the dojo.